6 Critical Steps For Finding a Good Marketing Agency

Written by Anne Taylor

Before hiring an agency you need to know how a good marketing agency operates. It is obvious that to get the contract, the agency will likely boast about its achievements. But you should always verify these achievements and expectations before moving forward. There are steps potential clients should follow to ensure they get the results they want.

Recommendations When Finding a Good Marketing Agency

Look at their reviews on Google and Facebook.  It is important to see if their clients are recommending them. Keep into account that there will always be an unhappy customers and there are no perfect agencies. Make sure to ask about the reasons for any dissatisfaction. Good agencies typically get good reviews.

Examples of Good Marketing Agencies  

Think about which agency you want to work with. Gain knowledge about the brands that the agency has worked with. See how long the businesses they have worked with have been around. If you decide that you want an agency that has worked only with well-known brands, you have to keep in mind that you may be paying more than if you worked with one that has smaller brands. They probably have advanced reporting systems and manage a substantial amount of campaigns but they can be less flexible because of internal operating procedures. On the other hand, small agencies might not have procedures and may have less experience.


Written contracts provide individuals and businesses with a document stating the expectations of both parties and how negative situations will be resolved. It not only protects the agency but it is meant to protect the client and make sure you get the services that were promised. A good agency will have proper contracts and will set clear expectations upfront.

Budget For a Good Marketing Agency

Have them set a budget to assess the agency’s quality. It is worthwhile to do a quick test of how the agency does. Agencies tend to encourage customers to make large investments. More money isn’t always needed to increase sales and produce more results.


An agency that does not share details of its activities – and conceals the secrets of its know-how is suspicious. Their actions should be transparent. As a business owner, you need to be well-informed about how and why your advertising campaigns are conducted.

Analytical Tools  

They need to monitor the effectiveness of your campaign. The agency needs to be familiarized with Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Google Search Console.  You should have access to all your tools and analytics to check whether the agency is giving you the results you are paying for too.

Finding a Good Marketing Agency: Conclusion

A good marketing agency will be able to handle the task at hand without promising too much. They will set clear expectations upfront and communicate well along the way. The agency will establish a proper budget for you individually as well as make clear what is included in the cost.  They will be able to take control of the project so that you can rest easy knowing you are in good hands.

Whenever something goes awry, which it likely will sooner or later, they will own it and keep you informed. You should be given analytics and input along the way so that you can make informed decisions on how best to adapt to a changing culture and industry. There should be clear evidence that they are capable in your industry. The work they have done for others will speak volumes for itself, but the reviews will say the rest. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s probably a good marketing agency!

If you have more questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Epic Nine!

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